
Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you have more questions regarding our beekeeping classes.

We offer beekeeping courses of different levels as separate classes and as the five part series – an intensive training on ZOOM (as it is a convenient way for everyone who wants to participate ) and the hands-on workshop at our educational apiary (The Nuc Installation and Next Steps).

Each course is packed with an information which will help you to become a successful beekeeper. You are going to learn useful tips, and the newest information about honey bees and beekeeping.

Our online classes via ZOOM were very successful for last few years.  Our every  ZOOM course is a live training where participants can interact and ask questions. 

At our educational apiary we offer several workshops, like the hands-on workshop which is an additional part of our training for beginners (The Nuc Installation and Next Steps), the introductory level course, advanced, and workshops of various level of beekeeping knowledge.

If you are looking for the full scope of understanding what the beekeeping art is about ( and it is not only about keeping bees) aim for the Natural Beekeeping for Beginners series (Five courses/hands-on workshops through the season).

Our class schedule for the 2024 season

Beginners Class
Beekeeping – How to Start, online: Feb 24th, Nov 16th
A-Z Beekeeping for Beginners, online bootcamp: (Mar 2nd and Mar 9th), (Apr 6th and Apr 13th),
Nuc Installation and Next Steps, hands-on, apiary  workshop for the ZOOM course  participants only: May 25th,
Beekeeping Introductory Workshop, apiary : Jun 1st or  Jun 15th
Hive Maintenance During Your First Year : Jun 22nd,
Fall Hive Assessment: Sep 7th
Winter Preparations: Oct 5th
Advanced Class
Sustainable Beekeeping, online: March 16th and 23rd Making Splits and Nucs apiary workshop,: June 8th Making Nucs, Hands-on, one-on-one: June 9th
Field trip
Field Trip to our Educational Apiary June 2nd, 16th, 23rd, or 29th
Other Classes
Bees and Flowers (Pollinator friendly garden) : March 30th

Bee yard field trip