Enjoy pictures from our educational apiary, classes, and the beekeeping adventure.
Indoor class and hands-on class in the field

Beekeeping for Beginners class

Presentation, Waterloo Garden club

Presentation, Kitchener library

Our class at the bee yard

Presentation Ecological Farmers Conference Collingwood 2017
Presentation at Ecological Farmers Conference, Collingwood 2017. Natural beekeeping - easy steps to healthier bees. It was a great experience.

Hands-on class
Hands-on class

Hands-on class at our educational apiary
Hands-on class at our educational apiary

Hands-on class, some details
Our educational apiary/ Honey bee sanctuary

Horizontal hive with frames

Partially capped brood comb with honey
Partially capped brood comb with honey

Supersedure queen cell
Supersedure queen cell

Starting a new comb with a natural wax

New comb in a long Langstroth hive
Mentoring and swarm catching

One-on-one mentoring at our apiary
One-on-one mentoring at our apiary

Mentoring a young beekeeper
Mentoring a young beekeeper

March emergency mentoring
March emergency mentoring

A swarm box awaiting new colony

Swarm box with with new occupants