First Year Hive Maintenance

June 15th, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm.

Length: three hours
Cost $85

You bought your first nuc, installed it in the hive, and now what? Join us at our Hive Maintenance in the First Year workshop. We will teach you how to read a frame to understand how well the colony is doing, what to expect during the summer, a dearth time, how to prevent robbing, and more! Our three hour class will take place at our educational apiary/ bee sanctuary. As we will be opening hives to have a hands-on experience, you need to bring your own head covering with a veil. Our course will take place at our educational apiary/ bee sanctuary. Location: 5871 Bells Rd, London, ON. Canada.


New comb in the making
New comb in the making
Finished comb with newly hatched workers
Finished comb with newly hatched workers